Hide previous navigation arrow for the first slide in WordPress gallery


WonderPlugin Gallery Version 11.5 or above


Is it possible to hide the backwards-arrow in the first slide so there is no way to go backwards from the first slide/image?


In the plugin, edit the gallery, in step 3 Options tab, Advanced Options, add the following code to the Data Options input box:


The above change will hide the previous arrow for the first slide AND the next arrow for the last slide.

If you only want to hide the previous arrow for the first slide, and do not want to hide the next arrow for the last slide, do not make the above change, instead, add the following code to the plugin, step 3 Options tab, Custom CSS input box:

.html5gallery-activeslide-GALLERYID-0 .html5gallery-left-GALLERYID,
.html5gallery-fullscreen-activeslide-GALLERYID-0 .html5gallery-fullscreen-prev-GALLERYID {
  display: none !important;