WordPress Fullscreen Background Slider

This is a demo page of WordPress full screen background slider.

For how to create a WordPress fullscreen background slider, please view the tutorial: How to create a WordPress fullscreen background slider.

Wonder Slider Features

WordPress Mixed Content Slider

The WordPress slider plugin supports images, self-hosted HTML5 videos, YouTube, Vimeo, WordPress posts, WordPress custom post types and WooCommerce products. You can add all the slide types and create mixed content sliders for your WordPress sites.

SEO Friendly WordPress Slider

The WordPress slider plugin is SEO friendly. You can define alt text for the images in the slider. If the images are added from WordPress Media Library, it will automatically load the defined alt text. You can also define HTML tags for the slide title and description text. For example, you can use HTML tag H1/H2/H3 for the slide text to improve the text SEO.

WordPress Slideshow with Text Overlay and Action Button

You can add title and description to each slide. You can show the text as static overlay or animate the text with built-in effects. You could also add an action button to each slide to open a web link.

WooCommerce Products Slider and WordPress Custom Post Types Slider

The WordPress slider plugin supports WordPress custom post types. You can select posts based on custom post type, query by taxonomy and terms, specify fields for slide image, title and description. Since WooCommerce is based on WordPress custom post type, you can easily create WooCommerce products slider, featured products slider and best selling products slider: How to create a WooCommerce Products Slider.

WordPress Multilingual Slider

The WordPress slider plugin is fully compatible with the WordPress multilingual plugin WPML. You can add multilingual text for slide title, description and image alt text, and create a slider that works on a multilingual website. When adding images from WordPress Media Library, the slider plugin can directly load multilingual text defined with WPML Media.