Responsive WordPress Tabs
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- WordPress Tabs
- Page Tabs
- Shortcode
- Examples
WordPress Tabs Plugin
WonderPlugin Tabs plugin is the easiest way to display tabbed content on your WordPress site. You can create tab content with HTML code, or create tabs from existing WordPress pages. The plugin is fully responsive and works on iPhone, iPad, Android, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
- By downloading or using the software, you agree to the Terms of Use. The free Trial Version has a 30-day limit and adds a watermark that links to the product home page. The commercial Pro Version will remove the watermark and all limits. For more information about the Trial Version, please view Downloads.
WordPress Page Tabs
WonderPlugin Tabs plugin allows you to display WordPress page contents in tabs.
The content of this tab is retrieved from page:
Shortcodes are supported in the page. The following carousel is created with WonderPlugin Carousel, and added to the page with a shortcode.
Display Shortcodes in WordPress tabs
You can use shortcodes in the tab content. The following gallery is created with WonderPlugin Grid Gallery, and embedded in the tab with a shortcode.Links to previous and next tabs
You can add text links or button links to the previous and next tabs:
Open a tab with URL parameter
You can specify the default tab id in the plugin. You can also open a specific tab by using a URL parameter tabid. For example, the following link will open the third tab on page load: Tabs Plugin Examples
Multiple Tabs WordPress Image and Video Gallery - Created with WonderPlugin Grid Gallery and WonderPlugin Tabs
Multiple Tabs WordPress Slider - Created with WonderPlugin Slider and WonderPlugin Tabs