How to display date, author, categories and tags in WordPress post gallery and WordPress custom post type gallery


Wonder Grid Gallery 17.0 or above


In Wonder Grid Gallery, step 4 Options tab, Text and Grid Content, you can add the pre-defined macro variables to the text overlay content and grid content. The macro variables will be dynamically replaced by the content of the gallery item.


The supported macro variables are as follows:

Key Description
__TITLE__ title of the item
__DESCRIPTION__ description of the item
__IMAGE__ image HTML code
__BUTTON__ button HTML code
__SOCIALMEDIA__ social media buttons HTML code
__DATE__ date of a post, only works for WordPress post gallery and WordPress custom post type gallery
__AUTHOR__ author of a post, only works for WordPress post gallery and WordPress custom post type gallery
__CATEGORYNAMES__ category names, only works for WordPress post gallery and WordPress custom post type gallery
__CATEGORYNAMESANDLINKS__ category names and links, only works for WordPress post gallery and WordPress custom post type gallery
__TAGNAMES__ tag names, only works for WordPress post gallery and WordPress custom post type gallery
__TAGNAMESANDLINKS__ tag names and links, only works for WordPress post gallery and WordPress custom post type gallery

A demo is as follows: