How to remove Google Font, disable YouTube and Vimeo in Wonder plugins for GDPR


All Wonder Plugins


This tutorial will guide you how to totally remove the Google fonts from the Wonder plugins and disable the YouTube and Vimeo for GDPR.

1. Remove the Google Font

Google fonts have been removed from the default skins of all latest versions of Wonder plugins. If you are using the latest version of a Wonder plugin, when you create a new element, there will be no Google fonts.

But Google fonts may still exist in a carousel/player/grid gallery/popup/tab that was created by an old version of the Wonder plugin. You can view the following tutorial to remove the Google fonts.

Wonder 3D Carousel, Wonder Carousel, Wonder Audio Player and Wonder Tabs: In the Wonder plugin, edit the carousel/audio player/tab, in step 3 Options tab, Skin CSS, remove the following line from the Skin CSS input box.

@import url(;


Wonder Grid Gallery: The CSS is located in step 4 Options tab, the Skin CSS tab.

Wonder Popup: The CSS is located in step 1 Design tab, the right bottom panel, the CSS tab.

Wonder Gallery, Wonder Lightbox, Wonder Slider and Wonder WooCommerce Quick View: These plugins do not load Google fonts.

2. Disable YouTube and Vimeo

Wonder plugins may initialise the YouTube and Vimeo API. You can view the following tutorial to disable them in the latest versions of Wonder plugins:

Wonder 3D Carousel, Wonder Carousel and Wonder Slider: In step 3 Options tab, YouTube and Vimeo tab, uncheck the option "Initialise YouTube API" and "Initialise Vimeo API".


Wonder Grid Gallery: In step 4 Options tab, YouTube and Vimeo tab, uncheck the option "Initialise YouTube API" and "Initialise Vimeo API".

Wonder Lightbox: In Lightbox Options page, Video tab, uncheck the option "Initialise YouTube API" and "Initialise Vimeo API".

Wonder Gallery: The plugin only initialises YouTube and Vimeo API when you have added a YouTube or Vimeo video to the gallery. It does not initialise YouTube or Vimeo if there is no YouTube or Vimeo video in the gallery.

Wonder Popup: The plugin only initialises YouTube and Vimeo API when you use the popup to open a YouTube or Vimeo video. It does not initialise YouTube or Vimeo if the popup is not used to open a YouTube or Vimeo video.

Wonder Audio Player, Wonder Tabs and Wonder WooCommerce Quick View: These plugins do not load YouTube and Vimeo.