Audio Player with Larger Image


I've downloaded the free version for testing, and I want to upgrade to the commercial version. However, before I buy, I want to know if

1. Can I change the size of the thumbnail in the Box player skin from 100x100 to something larger? I don't find this specified in your Skin CSS file, so not sure what the custom css would be.

2. If not, can the Lightbox skin show a playlist?

Thanks for your help. If I can use a larger image, I will purchase the plugin.


All of the skins are fine tuned. If you change the size of the thumbnail in the player, you need to adjust CSS of other parts accordingly, which may be difficult.

But you can add a playlist to the Lightbox skin.

1. In the Step 3, Options tab, click Skin Options button, change the Height to Auto.
2. In the Step 3, Options tab, click Advanced Options button, then enter following text to the Advanced options:


A demo is as following: