Download a Different File Than What is Being Played in the WordPress Audio Player


Wonder Audio Player


In the Wonder Audio Player plugin, you can easily create a player with download buttons in the playlist. When clicking the button, it will download the audio file that is being played.

However, in some cases, you may want to download a different file than what is being played. For example, you might want to download a PDF script file or a larger WAV file instead of the smaller MP3 file. This tutorial will guide you on how to do it.

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Use the Space Key to Play or Pause the WordPress Audio Player.


Wonder Audio Player


This tutorial will guide you on how to enable the space key to play or pause the WordPress audio player created with Wonder Audio Player. It will also provide the code to use the left arrow key for playing the previous track and the right arrow key for playing the next track.

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How to create a WordPress Radionomy live streaming player

This tutorial will guide you how to create a WordPress Radionomy live streaming player. The player displays the current song title and the last played tracks.

There are 4 steps in this tutorial:

  • Step 1 Install Wonder Audio Player
  • Step 2 Create an Audio Player
  • Step 3 Select a skin for Live Streaming Player
  • Step 4 Publish the player and add the player shortcode to a WordPress page or post

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