Position WordPress Slider on Webpage


So I fell in love with the free version of your Wonder Plugin Slider so I decided to upgrade to the commercial version. Now that I've deployed it on a site I'm working on for my company, I'm having trouble getting it to display properly on my page.

Specifically, I'm trying to create a space between your plugin and another plugin I'm using to display some logos. I've tried entering blank lines, tried the
tags, but nothing seems to work.

I'm not sure if this is a WordPress problem or something you can help with, but a response would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Very Respectfully


You can add the following HTML code between the two plugins, this will create a gap between them.

<div style="margin-top:100px;"></div>

You can change the margin top to a different value.

Responsive WordPress Slider on iPhone


I have been searching for several days now and run into your plug-in. I gotta say for ease of use, and quality it is the best one out there. I am ready to go pro, but here is my problem. I downloaded the FREE version made a video slider used the short code and placed it on my site. It looked great, but then when I looked at the site on my iPhone 5 it had not sized the slider down it was “huge" compared to the other images and threw everything off to one side in the iPhone browser. Is this something your technical folks have experienced and know about. Maybe they are working on an update.

I’m just frustrated cause I want this to be my solution and having it up and running yesterday.


I don't know which plugin you are using: WonderPlugin Gallery https://www.wonderplugin.com/wordpress-gallery/ or WonderPlugin Slider https://www.wonderplugin.com/wordpress-slider/. But here is the solution for both plugins:

In the Gallery/Slider editor, step 3, Options tab, there is an option Support responsive web design, please check it.

Responsive WordPress Slider

SEO Image and Videos


I have recently installed you WordPress gallery and I love it and all the features. I was, however, wondering if it was possible to SEO each of the images and videos.


The plugin is SEO friendly. The title you entered for your image is used for the img alt tag. The description you entered is used as an HTML5 data tag data-description.

How to remove the numbers from before the track names of the Audio Player


So I checked out the free version of the audio player and I really like. What a great job you have done with this. Especially with the backend. It's very user friendly! I like it so much I started looking into your other plugins.

A question regarding support. I've made quite a few customizations to the CSS but there are a couple changes I would like to make but I can't seem to figure out. For example, I would like to remove the numbers from before the track names or add a little space between the number and the track name. Are these the kind of things you can help with or would I be on my own?

Another question is about your website. I love your website! Especially the way it works on mobile devices. Did you code it? Is it a wordpress site and if so what theme or framework did you start with? I just think it functions perfectly for my needs and I would be very interested in know a little more about it.


In the player editor, Step 3, Options, click "Advanced Options", then in the right side, "Advanced options", enter:

data-tracklistitemformat="%TITLE% - %ARTIST% %DURATION%"

If you want to add back the number, it's:

data-tracklistitemformat="%ORDER%. %TITLE% - %ARTIST% %DURATION%"

We will add more options to the user interface in the future version.

Our website is based on WordPress, but it's not a commercial theme, it's coded by our developer.

Add link to carousel image


I have created the carousel using your wordpress carousel plugin, but the option to link the image to a URL is not accessible – it remain grey – please can you help me here.


You need to uncheck the option "Open current image in LightBox", then you can enter the weblink and the link target.


Remove watermark in commercial version


I just purchased the WonderPlugin Gallery Commercial Version 1.5 after trying the free version.

However the watermark “WonderPlugin” is still showing in every video.

How can that be corrected?


Please follow this tutorial to upgrade to the commercial version: https://www.wonderplugin.com/wordpress-tutorials/how-to-upgrade-to-wonderplugin-commercial-version/.

Please also clear caches of your web browser before testing.

How to Install and Upgrade to the Pro Version Without Losing Existing Work

After purchasing the Pro version, a membership account will automatically be created for you, and your login information will be sent to your email address within minutes. Upon receiving the login details, please log in to the Membership Area and download the Pro version.

To upgrade to the Pro version, in your WordPress backend, navigate to the left menu Plugins -> Add New Plugin, click the Upload Plugin button, select the downloaded plugin .zip file, and click the Install Now button.


On the following page, click the 'Replace current with upload' button and wait for WordPress to complete the installation. The plugin will be upgraded to the Pro version once the installation has finished.


If you encounter any problems while upgrading the plugin, you can download the Pro version and then manually upgrade the plugin by following this tutorial: How to manually upgrade the plugin without losing existing work.

Add more than 10 songs to WonderPlugin Audio Player


I can't view more than 10 songs on the jukebox player. I had 10 songs, then went back in and added 2 more songs to the player but it will only show the 10 songs. I cloned the player and saved it as another name, kind of tried everything but it only shows 10 songs. How can this be fixed?


By default, there is a maximum limit of 10 audios on one page. If there are more than 10 audios, it will display left and right buttons on the top right of the play list, you can navigate the pages with the buttons.

To change the maximum value, in the plugin, edit the player, step 3 Options tab, click "Advanced options" button, the in the right "Advanced options" field, enter:


This will change the maximum value to 20.

Control timing of WordPress carousel


Is there a way to control the timing of the carousel? The images changes a little too fast so I just want to know if I can make a timing change of the carousel.



In the plugin, carousel editor, step 3 Options tab, click Advanced Options, then in the Advanced Options field, enter:

data-interval="1000" data-transitionduration="500"

The data-interval specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) between each animation, the data-transitionduration defines the speed of each animation (the transition duration in milliseconds).