How to open a YouTube video in lightbox in Divi button module

Divi Builder is a drag and drop page builder by Elegant Themes. This tutorial will show you how to open a YouTube video in a lightbox popup when clicking a Divi button.

There are 4 steps in this tutorial:

  • Step 1 - Install Wonder Lightbox
  • Step 2 - Add a button in Divi builder
  • Step 3 - Activate lightbox on the button
  • Step 4 - Specify the size of the lightbox popup

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How to create a WordPress carousel from images and videos inside a web folder


WonderPlugin Carousel 12.8 or above


This tutorial will guide you how to create a WordPress carousel from images and videos inside a web folder. It will also show you how to dynamically define the web folder in the carousel shortcode so you can specify a different web folder on the post/page where the carousel is added.
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