How to open a different lightbox gallery for each image in a grid gallery


WonderPlugin Portfolio Grid Gallery


In a gallery created with WonderPlugin Portfolio Grid Gallery, when you click an image in the gallery, by default, it will open a lightbox gallery that contains all images/videos in this gallery.

In this tutorial, we will create a grid gallery, when clicking on an image in the gallery, it will open a different lightbox gallery for each image. That's, for each image in the grid gallery, you can create its own lightbox gallery and open it on click the image.
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How to enable WordPress mobile detect on Siteorigin Page Builder


WordPress Mobile Detect


I am looking for a solution to be able to serve different content to mobile and tablet - desktop. Your plugin seems to be one of the few around, but I build my sites with Siteorigin Page Builder, so I guess the shortcode wrapping will not work.

Is there any other way of getting this functionality that you can recommend, as far as integrating with a page builder?

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How to create a WordPress Radionomy live streaming player

This tutorial will guide you how to create a WordPress Radionomy live streaming player. The player displays the current song title and the last played tracks.

There are 4 steps in this tutorial:

  • Step 1 Install Wonder Audio Player
  • Step 2 Create an Audio Player
  • Step 3 Select a skin for Live Streaming Player
  • Step 4 Publish the player and add the player shortcode to a WordPress page or post

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How to Create a Fullscreen WordPress Slideshow

This tutorial will guide you how to create a fullscreen WordPress slideshow. A demo created with this tutorial is as follows:

The full screen slideshow created in this tutorial has no page header, menu, sidebar and toolbar.

If you want to create a full screen slideshow as page background, or create a full screen slideshow with the page header and menu, please view the tutorial: WordPress full screen background slider.

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