How to Create a WordPress Gallery with Category Filter

This tutorial will show you how to create a WordPress gallery with category filter.

You can add image, YouTube, YouTube playlist, Vimeo, Dailymotion, HTML5 video, Iframe video and WordPress posts to the gallery, even import a whole folder. Then you can define multiple categories, add category buttons or selection to the gallery and create a WordPress gallery with category filter.

You can check the demo created with this tutorial at

This tutorial creates a WordPress gallery with thumbnails, if you want to create a WordPress grid gallery, you can view the tutorial How to Create a WordPress Grid Gallery with Categories.

There are five steps in this tutorial:

  • Step 1 - Install Wonder Gallery
  • Step 2 - Create categories
  • Step 3 - Add Images and Videos to the WordPress gallery
  • Step 4 - Show category filter buttons or selection
  • Step 5 - Publish the WordPress gallery and add the gallery shortcode to the WordPress post or page

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How to add a close lightbox link in the WordPress lightbox popup


Wonder Lightbox


In the lightbox created with Wonder Lightbox, there is a close button on the top right corner of the popup.

But in some cases, if you use the lightbox to open a div, you may want to add an extra close lightbox link to the div content, or you may want to add the link to the title if you open an image lightbox or video lightbox.
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YouTube Playlist Gallery and YouTube API Quota Limit

By using Wonder Gallery and Wonder Carousel, you can easily create a YouTube playlist gallery or YouTube playlist carousel.

One issue about YouTube playlist is that the YouTube Data API has a daily quota limit. The default daily quota is 10,000 units per day. You can view the following page for more information: YouTube API Quota Usage.
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How to make WordPress galleries searchable for the WordPress search function


Wonder Gallery Version 13.4 or above


The galleries created with Wonder Gallery are added to WordPress pages or posts by using shortcodes. The default WordPress search function only searches in the WordPress database and does not execute the shortcodes or search the final web pages, so it can't find the images and videos in the galleries.

This tutorial will guide you how to make the gallery searchable by using the free plugin Relevanssi – A Better Search .
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How to add a WordPress slider to the end of all posts in Genesis Framework

Genesis is a popular WordPress theme framework. This tutorial will guide you how to display a WordPress slider at the end of all WordPress posts in Genesis framework.

There are three steps in this tutorial:

  • Step 1 - Create a WordPress slider with Wonder Slider and copy the provided slider shortcode
  • Step 2 - Install Genesis Simple Hooks plugin
  • Step 3 - Add the slider shortcode to Genesis hook

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How to autoplay muted Vimeo video on page load


Wonder Gallery


Due to restrictions from web browsers, iOS and Android devices, video autoplay on page load will not work unless the video is muted.

This tutorial will guide you how to create a Vimeo video player that will be muted, and will autoplay on page load. We will also discuss how to loop the video.

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