How to add a play button over an image and use it to open a video lightbox


Wonder Lightbox


By using the plugin Wonder Lightbox, you can easily open a video or image in a lightbox popup by simply adding a class name wplightbox to the <a> tag. For more information about how to activate the lightbox effect, you can view the help document Wonder Lightbox Help Document.

This tutorial will guide you how to add a play button over an image and use it to open a video lightbox.

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WordPress Audio Player plugin: how to configure the mp3 URL in the shortcode


Wonder Audio Player


Wonder Audio Player is an easy to use WordPress plugin that can help you create mp3 players for your WordPress sites.

To create a WordPress audio player, in the plugin, step 1, you can add mp3 files to the playlist, the plugin will build the player and provide you with the shortcode. You can then add the player shortcode to a WordPress post or page.

In some cases, for example, you have tens or even hundreds of mp3 files, instead of creating a player for each mp3 file, you may want to only create one player and reuse the same player for all mp3 files.

This tutorial will guide you how to create a player, then reuse it for all other mp3 files.

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Display ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Image in Wonder Carousel


Wonder Carousel and Wonder 3D Carousel


You can use the Wonder Carousel and Wonder 3D Carousel plugin to create a carousel from WordPress custom post types. By default, the plugin will use the featured image of the post as the carousel image. This tutorial will guide you how to define an image custom field using ACF (Advanced Custom Fields), then show the images in the custom post types carousel.
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